Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Adapting Frankenstein

"Give my creation Life!"

"Abby someone, Abby-normal"

Even reduced to quotes, our images of the Frankenstein story vary in the extreme.  In adapting the story for Inconceivable I wanted to go back to Shelley's novel and rediscover an eloquent, haunted creature who has an opportunity to ask his creator burning questions - Why?  How could you?  What were you thinking?  Questions that I am sure have crossed all of our minds at one time or another.

While reflecting the romantic roots of the piece, I also wanted to make sure that the piece functioned theatrically, that it was possible to care about the creature and that the story drove like a tragedy to its conclusion.  Balanced against this was the need to keep it primarily in Shelley's words, probably 80% at this point, and to introduce some lighter moments and round out some of the happenings aboard Captain Walton's ship. And of course it is a piece for Halloween too, so where would we be without some horror!

I hope you enjoy seeing a Frankenstein drawn closer to the source and will let us know what you think.